Controls: W,A,S,D, Tab to go to the main menu. The main task is to dodge the green paint patches and the fly swatter that moves along the edges of the arena. The player has only 2 lives, after first contact with the cloud, the bee-fly becomes harder to control, it becomes slow and falls down faster. 

During the battle with the boss, you need to take clothespins at the bottom in the center of the level (they are selected automatically, just fly up to them) and after that, as you took the clothespin, just fly right at the boss and when you hear a sound like a pop, it means you have caused damage to him, the boss has 5 lives, you can track them by his fingers, if for example you pinched 2 of the fingers, that is, they are red, then it means that he has 3 lives left

So far, something may not work or something is missing, I will add and fix everything with updates.  :3

 P.S - in order for everything to work, you need a strictly English keyboard layout.

Development log


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